If your Board of Directors is solely responsible for monitoring and mitigating risk, then your enterprise’s risk exposure may be greater than you think…

Because studies show the professionals closest to projects often fail to understand the risks:

  • When scientists first tested nuclear weapons in the Mojave Desert, their only protective gear was lab coats and sunglasses. Because they weren’t aware of the risks of radiation.
  • Even when new risks are discovered, professionals have refused to alter their behavior. Physicians rejected the idea that they were infecting their patients by not washing their hands for years after scientists warned them about germs.

Financial crises. Cyberattacks. Civil unrest. Pandemic. All have assaulted organizational equilibrium within just two years. Do you think your Board of Directors has the capacity to track and analyze this ever-shifting risk landscape?

If not, it’s time to set up your risk committee. See how in this 4-Step Guide. Plus, get answers to…

  • What Does a Risk Committee Do?
  • How Does a Risk Committee Work?
  • Benefits of Establishing a Risk Committee